Where Excellence meets Impact

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Become an Employer Partner
Contribute to a more equal world while accessing a pipeline of outstanding talents in software development, QA, product management, or low-code engineering.

Our members are hand-picked from thousands of applicants, possessing vetted hard and soft skills, practical experience, and an unwavering drive to succeed despite their disadvantaged backgrounds.
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Our Employer Partners
Your Benefits
Our talent solutions outperform any other recruiting channel and make hiring graduate talent as easy as never before, specifically for international companies
Social Impact
Our talents come from disadvantaged backgrounds, hungry to prove themselves and with an incredible persistence and motivation
Zero Admin
Project Y acts as the Employer of Record (EOR) and manages payroll, local contracts, etc. We also provide your employees with co-working space and laptops to guarantee a conducive work environment
Zero Hiring Fees
100% Aligned interests. As we only benefit if our members generate income and remain in employment
Better Quality & Retention
Talents are selected based on soft and hard skills and are job ready when they enter your company with practical experience
Continuous Support
We continue to provide Y-members with upskilling and other support services and help during the onboarding process
How It Works
As a Project Y Employer partner, you’ll have access to our quality talent pool before anyone else without any fees or commitments.
Intro Call
We schedule a meeting with you to understand your current and future talent needs.
Profile List
We send over a list of curated profiles that meet your requirements.
Take interesting candidates through your assessment and interview process
Hire our members as a 24-month apprentice or test them for free
Talent Pricing
Free Trial
Access and vet potential hires
Get an aspiring developer or even a small team to build a solution for your real world backlog systems/tasks - at no cost
All Employer Partners receive a complementary employer branding package to showcase their impactful work
Managed Apprenticeship
Quality guarantee with 3-month replacement guarentee
Office space and laptop provided
Continuous upskilling, training and success coaching
Relocation support available
Project Y as the EOR managing payroll, insurance, etc
Laptop Rental for 24 months
Pay per organisation lead

Interested in a custom talent hiring package?

Contact Us
Is Project Y a recruiting company or a bootcamp?
What is Project Y’s business model?
How much does it cost to become an Employer Partner?
What is the skill level of Project Y members?
What makes Project Y stand out from other recruiting sources?
Is the talent only available remotely?
How do you select Project Y members?

Still have a question?
Reach out to us today!

Contact Us
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